Board of DirectorsJim GooldChairman and Legal Counsel George Robb, Jr.President and Founder James DelgadoDirector Corey Malcom, Ph.D.Director George Robb, IIIDirector Executive CommitteeJim GooldChairman and Legal Counsel George Robb, Jr.President and Founder James DelgadoDirector RPMNF OfficersJim GooldChairman and Legal Counsel Michael BladesLogistics Director, Secretary, and Treasurer George Robb, Jr.President and Founder The RPMNF TeamJim GooldChairman and Legal Counsel Michael BladesLogistics Director, Secretary, and Treasurer RPMNF Mediterranean Office and Boat Manager Howard PhoenixDeployed Equipment, Dive Safety Officer George Robb, Jr.President and Founder William Murray, Ph.D.Project Archaeologist Gerry VillaneuvaBosun, Assistant Engineer Rae BurnsAccountant Jose Mari SardivalAssistant Bosun Stephen DeCasien, Ph.D.Communications