Debris pile from a modern shipwreck off the Albanian coast
Porto Polermo I Wreck
WWI warship found off the coast of Albania
Minesweeper Wreck
A shipwreck found off the Albanian coast that is believed to be a WWII British minesweeper vessel
A modern shipwreck found off the coast of Albania
Stone Balls
A deposit of stone balls found off Albania that are likely from artillery pieces dating to the 12th or 13th century CE
Pottery Scatter at Gjri Para Kakomese Bay
A wide scatter of amphoras and tableware found off the coast of Albania
Ottoman Pottery Deposit
A large deposit of Ottoman-period ceramics found off Albania
Site CR12-AC and Site CR12-AD
Two identical, modern landing craft discovered off the coast of Croatia
Debris from a large modern vessel discovered by multibeam survey off the coast of Tunisia
A deposit of ancient amphoras and fragments dating to the 3rd-2nd century BCE off the coast of Tunisia
Egadi 10 Ram
Ancient warship ram from the First Punic War found off the Egadi islands
Egadi 9 Ram
Ancient warship ram from the First Punic War found off the Egadi islands