The remains of a wooden ship found along the Albanian coast
Albanian Coastal Survey
Qefalit Wreck
A Greek Classical-era shipwreck found off the coast of Albania with a primary surviving cargo of roof tiles
Rodon Wreck
A Greek Classical-era shipwreck and amphora mound found off the Albanian coast
Joni Wreck
A Hellenistic-era shipwreck consisting of predominantly African 3 amphoras off the Albanian coast
Butrint I Wreck
A Hellenistic-era shipwreck with a variety of artifacts off the Albanian coast
Butrint II Wreck
A Roman-Imperial shipwreck comprised of Tripolitanian I amphoras on the Albanian coast
Butrint III Wreck
A Greek Archaic-era shipwreck off the Albanian coast
Butrint IV Wreck
A Hellenistic-era, possibly Greek shipwreck off the Albanian coast
Butrint V Wreck
A Hellenistic-era shipwreck off the Albanian coast with Corinthian B amphoras and other ceramics